


耳鸣是一种声音感知,通常被描述为铃声, buzzing or humming in the ears or head that affect millions of people. 通常伴有听力丧失, 耳鸣有很多原因,包括噪音暴露, 身体伤害,如头部外伤或鞭伤, 耳朵的疾病, 肌肉痉挛, 循环变化, 药物副作用, 神经通路刺激和中枢听觉系统改变. Some 50 million Americans experience tinnitus, with more than 10 million seeking medical help.

对于一些, 耳鸣症状与抑郁有关, 焦虑, 睡眠障碍和注意力不集中.


加州大学旧金山分校, our audiologists and ear specialists provide state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment for tinnitus. When patients report hearing unwanted sounds in their ears or head, 我们努力找出并解决任何潜在的原因, 比如听力损失. 我们也有多种治疗方案来改善症状.

Often, the best treatment plan includes a combination of behavioral counseling and acoustic therapy. Counseling helps patients manage the depression, 焦虑 and distraction that can accompany tinnitus. 声学方法——例如声罩, hearing aids or music therapy – can decrease patients' sensitivity to the noise they hear. Some patients also get relief from antidepressant or anti-焦虑 medications. Our team works with each patient to tailor a plan to individual needs.


奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

耳鸣 is one of the most elusive conditions that health care professionals face. 它是一种不直接由外部产生的听觉感知.

它通常被描述为嘶嘶声, 咆哮的, 一耳或双耳的嗡嗡声, 叫做耳鸣, 或者在脑子里, 叫做耳鸣.

The sound ranges from high to low pitch and can be a single tone, multi-tonal, 或声, 没有音质的没有音质的. 耳鸣可能是持续性的、脉动性的或间歇性的. 它可能突然开始,也可能逐渐发展.

耳鸣 can be broadly classified into two categories: objective and subjective.


这种形式可以用听诊器听到,也可以简单地靠近耳朵听. 客观耳鸣占总体耳鸣病例的不到5%,通常与血管或肌肉疾病有关. The tinnitus is frequently described as pulsatile, or synchronous with the patient's heartbeat. 在很多情况下, the cause of objective tinnitus can be determined and treatment, 内科或外科, 可能是规定的.


This form is audible only to the patient and is much more common, 占耳鸣病例的95%. 主观性耳鸣是一种几乎与所有耳部疾病相关的症状,据报道,超过80%的感觉神经性听力损失患者都存在这种症状, 哪一种是由神经和/或毛细胞损伤引起的.

因为耳鸣, 像痛苦, 是主观的, 两个人可能表现出相同的耳鸣响度和音高匹配,但影响方式明显不同. The severity of the tinnitus is largely a function of the individual's reaction to the condition. 也就是说,许多耳鸣患者:

  • 难以入睡或注意力不集中
  • 感到沮丧或焦虑
  • Report additional problems at work or at home that may contribute to the distress caused by tinnitus
  • 描述耳鸣感觉与压力的关系
  • It is often difficult to determine whether a patient's emotional state pre-existed, 或者是耳鸣的结果.


虽然耳鸣的确切机制尚不清楚, 很可能有很多相关的因素. 耳鸣 usually, but not always, has to do with an abnormality of the hearing or neural system.


  • 外耳疾病, 比如耳垢, 接触鼓膜的头发, 异物或穿孔的耳膜
  • 中耳疾病, 如负压所致的咽鼓管功能障碍, 流体, 感染, 耳硬化症, 过敏或良性肿瘤
  • 内耳疾病, 如因噪音暴露而引起的感音神经性听力损失, 老化, inner ear 感染 or Meniere's disease often accompanied by hearing loss and dizziness

耳鸣 also can temporarily result from certain medications, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatories such as aspirin, ibuprofen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and quinine
  • 镇静剂
  • 抗抑郁药
  • 某些抗生素和化疗药物


  • 全身性疾病,如高血压或低血压, 贫血, 糖尿病, 甲状腺机能障碍, 糖代谢异常, 血管疾病, 颈静脉生长, 听性肿瘤和头颈部动脉瘤
  • 非听觉障碍,如头部或颈部创伤, 颞下颌关节紊乱和颈部错位

Current research suggests that even though tinnitus may initially be caused by an injury to the ear, 最终,一种听觉模式在大脑中建立. Therefore, many treatment approaches are directed at 大脑, not the ear.

Although the majority of tinnitus sufferers also have hearing loss, the presence of tinnitus does not indicate that one is losing hearing.


如果你认为你有耳鸣, consult your doctor to determine if a cause for the tinnitus can be found and subsequently treated. 如果治疗不合适, ask if there is an audiologist in your area who has knowledge about tinnitus treatments.

听力学家将评估患者的听力,并就非药物治疗方案向他们提供建议. 了解耳鸣的本质可能对缓解焦虑和寻求应对这种情况的方法非常有用.


It is important to keep in mind that tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. 像这样, the optimal treatment strategy should be directed toward eliminating the disease, 而不是简单地缓解症状. 也, 因为耳鸣可能是更严重疾病的症状, it is important to try to find the medical cause before deciding on treatment.


Here are a few things patients can do to help prevent and minimize tinnitus:

  • 减少接触非常大的噪音
  • 避免完全沉默
  • 减少盐的摄入量
  • 监测自己的血压
  • 避免咖啡因和尼古丁等兴奋剂
  • 锻炼
  • 减少疲劳
  • 管理压力
  • 教育你自己

虽然大多数形式的耳鸣没有已知的治疗方法, 有很多治疗方法可供选择,大多数耳鸣患者可以从以下一种或多种方法中找到不同程度的缓解.


There is no single medication that works on all tinnitus patients. 一些抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药物对某些耳鸣患者有帮助, 然而,这一领域还需要更多的研究.



  • 指导咨询提供了, individualized education regarding the causes and effects of tinnitus on the ear, 大脑, 以及应对机制.
  • 低水平的声音发生器通过助听器类型的设备产生足够柔和的宽带噪音,这样大脑就能同时感知噪音和耳鸣. Eventually, 大脑 may relearn a pattern that will de-emphasize the importance of the tinnitus. These devices also may be helpful in desensitizing patients who are overly sensitive to sound.


使用外部产生的声音来掩盖或以某种方式抑制或改变耳鸣的产生可以为一些人提供缓解. 声刺激主要有六种方法.

  • 声音发生器, 有时被称为耳鸣掩蔽器:一种装在助听器盒里的耳级电子设备,能产生白噪音.
  • A tinnitus instrument: a combination hearing aid and sound generator.
  • 助听器:帮助放大语言和环境噪音,从而刺激耳朵和大脑的区域,否则可能不会得到足够的刺激,因为听力损失.
  • 台式或便携式声音发生器:这些可以在某些电子供应商处购买,如夏普图像.
  • Home masking: such as the use of electric fans, radios or television.
  • 音乐疗法(见下文).

不幸的是, 一些耳鸣患者发现掩蔽噪音可能只是用一种恼人的声音代替另一种. 因此,最好通过习惯化或再训练的方法,将耳鸣的烦恼降到意识的背景中.


许多病人发现这种音乐, 特别是那些响度(振幅)变化不大的经典段落,既可以舒缓边缘系统(大脑中的情绪处理器,通常与患者对耳鸣的反应负相关),又可以刺激听觉皮层. 如果有听力损失, it may be necessary to alter the spectrum of the music so that the cortical neurons.


使用助听器和助听器和面罩的组合通常是减少耳鸣的有效方法. 虽然目前还不清楚助听器是通过放大背景声音来掩盖耳鸣,还是通过改变耳鸣的产生来起到帮助作用, most hearing aid wearers report at least some reduction in their tinnitus. This may be due to the reduction in contrast between tinnitus and silence, 或者是因为给大脑提供了新的刺激.


神经细胞声学脱敏方案 这是一种使用咨询以及连接到高保真耳机的身体佩戴处理器的过程,该高保真耳机可以根据个人听力损失过滤出令人愉快的音乐.


不管耳鸣的原因是什么, 如果一个人没有受到耳鸣的困扰, 这不再是一个问题. Psychological intervention aimed at successfully reducing the stress, 与耳鸣相关的痛苦和分心可能非常有成效,通常会产生最可实现的目标.


压力和耳鸣之间的高度相关性强调了在试图应对耳鸣时保持一个人的冷静和逻辑的必要性. 放松, guided imagery and self-hypnosis are examples of self-help methods used to help combat the stress, 焦虑和睡眠障碍与耳鸣有关.



  • 支持团体. 当地的同伴支持小组为患者提供情感支持,并提供讨论和分享治疗技术的场所.
  • 牙科治疗. Jaw joint disorders, called temporomandibular (TMD), may exacerbate tinnitus. 夹板和锻炼可以缓解这些问题.
  • 营养咨询. 所有耳鸣患者都应保持均衡饮食.
  • 生物反馈. 生物反馈是一种使无意识或非自愿的身体过程被感官检测到,以便通过有意识的精神控制来操纵它们的技术. 生物反馈咨询可以帮助缓解可能会加重耳鸣感觉的压力模式.
  • 替代的方法. Although there is no scientific data showing consistent benefit from approaches such as hypnosis, 针灸, 物理疗法, 脊椎治疗和许多草药制剂, 一些病人确实感觉到了好处.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



听力损失? 这些积极的倾听策略会加强你的沟通,创造一个比助听器更积极的环境.




无细胞DNA筛查是一项检测,可以确定女性是否更有可能生下患有唐氏综合症的胎儿. 在这里了解更多信息并找到常见问题解答.


Successful communication requires the efforts of all people involved in a conversation. Find strategies to better communicate with those with hearing loss here.


There are a number of devices that can assist hearing in a variety of settings including, 电视收听系统, 会议麦克风等等.


听力损失 induced by noise or music can be temporary or permanent. It is a function of both the intensity and time one is exposed to the signal. 了解更多.


People with hearing loss can benefit from signaling and substitution systems, 将声音或按键转换为另一种模式. 了解更多.

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    病例管理 & 社会工作

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.



    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, 比如冥想和身体意识.



    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.



    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
