
银屑病 关节炎


银屑病 arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis, a chronic skin and nail disease that causes a scaly, 皮肤发痒,皮疹和麻点, 或压痕, 在手指和脚趾指甲上. 银屑病 arthritis causes pain and swelling in joints, especially in the fingers and toes. People with psoriatic arthritis may experience either the skin or joint 症状 first, 或者两种症状可能同时出现.

银屑病 arthritis affects at least 10 percent of the three million people with psoriasis in the United States. It affects men and women equally and usually begins between 30 to 50 years of age, 但也可能发生在儿童时期. The exact cause of psoriatic arthritis is unknown. However, genetic and environmental factors may play a role in the development of this disease.


UCSF provides comprehensive evaluations and advanced, personalized care for all forms of arthritis. Because arthritis often involves different systems in the body, 我们的团队包括几种类型的十大赌博平台排行榜, 比如风湿病学家, plastic surgeons who specialize in correcting hand deformities, and orthopedic surgeons who specialize in joint deformities and joint replacement.

治疗与牛皮癣有关的关节炎, we first try common pain relief medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 如果关节发炎进展, we may prescribe stronger medications known as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Regular exercise is also a critical part of the treatment plan, helping to strengthen the joints and maintain their range of motion. 我们可能会建议进行物理治疗.

除了照顾病人, our providers conduct clinical trials to evaluate potential new treatments for arthritis. Interested patients may have the option to receive investigational treatments through a clinical trial.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

The joint pain associated with psoriatic arthritis often causes stiffness, especially in the morning. About a third of people with psoriatic arthritis also experience neck or back pain and stiffness. Although the severity and range of 症状 of psoriatic arthritis can vary in each person, 常见症状包括:

  • Stiffness, pain, swelling and tenderness of the joints and surrounding soft tissue
  • 活动范围缩小
  • 晨僵和疲劳
  • 指甲的变化, 包括钉子上的小凹痕, 被称为点蚀, 或者拿起钉子, which occurs in 80 percent of people with psoriatic arthritis
  • 眼睛发红和疼痛


Your doctor will begin by recording your complete medical history and asking you to describe your 症状. 然后你要做身体检查, during which your doctor will look for any physical signs of the disease. The following tests also may be recommended to help make a definite diagnosis:

  • 红细胞沉降率. This is a common blood test that is used to detect and monitor inflammation in the body.
  • 类风湿因子. This blood test detects an antibody that is present in the blood of most patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It is conducted to exclude rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 关节穿刺术. This is an office procedure during which a sterile needle is used to withdraw fluid from the inflamed joints. The fluid is then analyzed for infection, gout crystals and other inflammatory conditions.
  • x射线. These may show characteristic changes associated with arthritis in the spine, 骶骨, 还有四肢的关节.


  • 药物治疗. 非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs), are initially used for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. If progressive inflammation or joint destruction occurs despite treatment with NSAIDs, 更强的药物,如甲氨蝶呤, corticosteroids and anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor) medications may be recommended.
  • 注射. Corticosteroid injections directly into the joints can be effective in some cases of psoriatic arthritis.
  • 锻炼. 锻炼 is an essential element of treatment for psoriatic arthritis. An exercise program can be done at home or with a physical therapist. Physical activity helps to strengthen, maintain and improve joint range of motion. For best results, exercise should be done on a regular basis.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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