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Nicholas Colyvas


Orthopedic surgeon
Local and international race car driver

Dr. Nicholas Colyvas是一名骨科十大赌博平台排行榜,擅长膝关节和肩部的微创关节镜手术, with particular interests in meniscus repair, rotator cuff surgery and biceps tendon surgery. 他在治疗各种类型的运动员方面有丰富的经验,包括专业和业余运动员. 他还曾担任许多运动的团队十大赌博平台排行榜,包括橄榄球队和足球队.

Colyvas的主要研究方向是半月板保存. 他研究半月板修复的尖端技术, 目标是长期预防膝关节关节炎. 他还积极改进治疗肩袖撕裂和肱二头肌肌腱问题的技术.

Colyvas在南非约翰内斯堡的威特沃特斯兰德大学获得了医学学位. 随后,他在加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)完成了骨科的实习和实习.

Colyvas是美国整形外科学会的成员, 他在诊所管理委员会任职吗. 他还担任the California Orthopaedic Association的董事会成员,并经常在他们的会议上发表演讲和主持人. Colyvas喜欢在UCSF教授骨科住院十大赌博平台排行榜,并协助挑战, complex knee and shoulder surgeries. 在业余时间,他喜欢参加本地和国际的老式赛车比赛.

  • Education

    University of the Witwatersrand, 1986

  • Residencies

    UCSF, Orthopedic Surgery, 1996

  • Fellowships

    UCSF, Orthopedic Surgery, 1989

  • Board Certifications



  • Academic Title


我认为每一次手术都是科技成就, as well as a work of art and craftsmanship.

Where I see patients (2)

    My reviews


    Overall Experience
    190 Ratings
    About our process
    Nov 20, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is a truly amazing care provider! 他对我的每一步都给予了特别的照顾.
    Nov 18, 2023
    手术失败得很惨,所以我对结果不太满意. I wonder in hind sight if we should have done it. No real explanation why is has failed.
    Nov 18, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is an excellent clinician!!
    Oct 08, 2023
    It's a rough situation; I'm very thankful that UCSF gives me the attention and help that ya'll do.
    Oct 01, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is wonderful. His team in the Owens St. office is fantastic all very friendly and helpful.
    Sep 25, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is a very professional caring person!!
    Aug 19, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas是一位细心且知识渊博的整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜. I feel fortunate to be one of his patients.
    Aug 12, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is an excellent practitioner! 每次进出房间都要握手!
    Jul 31, 2023
    People don't become the Director for nothing.
    Jul 17, 2023
    Colyvas十大赌博平台排行榜已经成为优秀医疗护理和治疗方面的标杆. 他的专业精神使我对他的判断产生了极大的信任.
    Jun 25, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas was great as always
    Jun 24, 2023
    Jun 12, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas is an excellent provider. Very compassionate
    May 27, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas does incredible work. 我不会推荐其他人做任何膝盖手术.
    May 07, 2023
    Excellent first contact with Dr Colyvas
    May 06, 2023
    在某种程度上,我相信Colyvas十大赌博平台排行榜,我是一个回头客. I had a right shoulder surgery in 2010 & 至于我的左肩,我没有选择任何其他十大赌博平台排行榜.
    Apr 10, 2023
    My visit with Dr. Colyvas是我看过的最好的十大赌博平台排行榜之一. He made me feel so comfortable and heard
    Feb 25, 2023
    科莱瓦斯十大赌博平台排行榜治好了我两次,我欠他一个十大赌博平台排行榜. 他帮助我完成了两次肩部手术,我会向任何人推荐他
    Feb 06, 2023
    Jan 23, 2023
    Dr. Colyvas and team are top notch.
    Jan 16, 2023
    Colyvas is phenomenal! 加州大学旧金山分校唯一的缺点是工厂感觉很难通过电话联系到任何人,多个平台提供的信息不一致,前台办理入住手续的体验消极而没有人情味.
    Jan 07, 2023
    指令最后并没有完全明确预约核磁共振成像. 我被告知去前台预订,但他们告诉我,他们从来没有这样做过,我必须打电话给远程工作的人,他已经下班了,因为已经5点多了. Alternatively I should call radiology myself. 我还没能做到这一点,因为现在是周末,所以我不知道事情会如何发展. 特别是因为我应该为同一件事做两次核磁共振成像,而保险是否会包括这两次 . I hope they will be able to hear with that.
    Dec 24, 2022
    我没有收到关于何时/如何开始物理治疗的信息. Other than that all good.
    Dec 10, 2022
    I would recommend Dr Colyvas to anyone
    Nov 04, 2022
    Dr. Colyvas是最好的,我会首先向任何寻求膝关节护理或膝关节手术的人推荐他和你的办公室.
    Oct 15, 2022
    Dr. Colyvas is just a really kind empathetic doctor.
    Oct 05, 2022
    Dr Colyvas is a great surgeon and a nice guy
    Oct 05, 2022
    尼克很棒——我觉得他非常善解人意,知识渊博. 与之前的服务提供者相比,这次经历令人难以置信,因为我对护理质量更有信心.
    Sep 17, 2022
    Dr Colyvas is a great orthopedist.
    Sep 12, 2022
    Dr. Colyvas is great! 当他需要的时候,他会做好充分的准备,善良,细心,让人放心.
    Aug 06, 2022
    Dr Colyvas is very friendly and efficient
    Mar 30, 2022
    Dr. Colyvas是一个很好的十大赌博平台排行榜,他关心病人,把事情解释得很清楚
    Mar 16, 2022
    我很满意我的十大赌博平台排行榜对我的照顾. He is an excellent caring knowledgeable doctor
    Mar 11, 2022
    Being treated by Dr. Colyvas是我见过的最好的病人.
    Feb 08, 2022
    Very satisfied overall.

    Selected research
